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  • Writer's pictureAmber Franklin Price

Instructional Design Skills

I'm pulling together a few examples of my exemplary instructional design work. Here are some examples of current work:

Scenario-Based Training:

This scenario was developed for Leasing Housing Training members to walk through housing units and answer questions based on the amenities in the unit.

This scenario was developed for middle school students to learn life skills, respect for others, and respect for the arts.

The Use of AI in Instructional Design:

This video was developed using Di-D AI. Adding a real-life element, though it is AI-generated, is meant to give a personal touch to the learning. I found my students were struggling with remembering the 4 elements of music and, therefore, created this instructional video to help them retain this knowledge. It definitely helped as their assessment scores went from a 75% pass rate to over 90% pass rate.

Video Instruction:

Herald of Free Enterprise

  • Original Version: This is the original video we used as a reference for updating the History of the Herald of Free Enterprise at the beginning of the International Safety Management Code/Safety Management System course for the United States Coast Guard.

  • Updated Version: We gave the original video a much-needed modern update for the Herald of Free Enterprise video content to be placed at the beginning of the ISM/SMS course. The video was intended to "hook" and engage learners and give them an understanding of how the ISM/SMS code began.

Gamification in Learning:

Using the Lumio presentation tool on a daily basis, students are required to follow along and participate in the presentation lecture content. This example shows a warm-up sudoku puzzle for students to complete as a brain teaser for a computer science class.

Using the Quizizz platform with middle school students, each week they are given a review game of questions about the current week's content. The students are highly engaged and I am informed, as the teacher, as to where their weaknesses are in order to reinforce areas of weakness. Students must pass with an 80% accuracy on this particular example. This example also showcases the different question types.

My students LOVE reviewing with the GimKit assessment tool. This example shows simple multiple choice/true false review questions. The students really enjoy the "game" environment and competition with these review games. Their favorite is a game similar to "Among Us" where they must find out who the "imposters" are in order to win the game. It is exciting, strategic and emphasizes interaction.

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